Location: Pamporovo ski resort, Bulgaria

Date: 14th to 16th March 2022

Host partner: Bulgarian ski school

As planed in the project application, the 5th project meeting SKI EASY was organized in the period of 4th SPE Balkan ski conference which was held at the Pamporovo Ski center from 13 to 17 March. This allows us that two of main goals to be accomplished: to executed planned project activities and to present and promote the SKI EASY activities to the broader world skiing society– more http://spe-balkan-ski.com/general-information.

The main activities of the meeting:

a) SKI EASY – Scientific content – for SKI EASY Certificate and SKI EASY materials

The activities were included in the conference – the lectures of the partners members aimed to transfer science and good practices not only among the project members, ski instructors but also among other conference participants.

Lectures of partners members:

  • dr. Erich Müller “Biomechanics and Injury Prevention of Elite and Youth Alpine Ski Racers”
  • dr. Rado Pišot: SKI EASY PROJECT PRESENTATION – unified model presentation for ski instructors (theoretical part) and for all participant of the SPE Balkan SKI Conference
  • Dieter Bubeck “Snowsport as a performance enhancer in executive functions” and l
  • Åsa Tugetam “Learning through Snowsport”
  • Lana Ružić “The rise of ski helmets: What have we learned in last two decades?” and
  • Krastio Zgurovski “A study on the function of human balance affecting beginner training in alpine skiing techniques”.


b) Review of the 5th SKI EASY Meeting and the 1st MSE – SKI EASY Snow Day

At the meeting on Wednesday, 16 March 2022 all SKI EASY participants discussed the implemented activities (workshop for ski instructors and children) to ensure better further implementation of the SKI EASY TEACHING model.  At meeting with SKI EASY partner members and Rector prof. Nikolay Izov, a letter of cooperation with IVSS President prof. Peter Bubek and Rector of National Sports Academy “Vasil Levski was signed.


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.